today i start back on the journey. i have to admit that it that it is taking some effort to get back in the mode. it will probably only happen when i get back on the bike and head down the road.
the last week has been a lot of rest, food and drink. guido and julie have been wonderful friends. it's been really nice to visit with them. they've taken me out to dinner a couple of times, gone to the farmer's market twice and cafes afterward, and generally opened their house to me. after riding through thousands of acres of corn, i finally got to eat a half dozen ears. plenty of beer and wine, including a nice evening sitting by the river watching pelicans, geese, gulls, and a blue heron. and they helped facilitate my getting back and forth to chicago.
the trip to see my mother and father was very important. i'm very glad i did that; definitely worth the time. it was an added plus to be able to be with suzi on her 60th birthday. elaine and stuart were their usual gracious selves putting up with us and they even arranged for a nice party for suzi.
between chicago and appleton, i think i put back on all the weight i lost over the last month.
so now it's time to get back in travel mode. the plan is to ride the 50 miles to manitowac today inorder to grab the midnight ferry across lake michigan. a warm shower night in ludington on the other side and then 2 and 1/2 days ride to my brother's house in michigan. i will spend a few days with him and then it's off through canada to niagara falls and buffalo. there i'll meet paul tarricone on thursday 8/22. he'll join me for 4 or 5 days along the erie canal to albany. maurice will meet us there, with paul heading home. maurice and i will ride the last 4 days into boston. we should arrive around labor day weekend. there we'll celebrate completing the trip with a nice italian dinner in the north end.
next posts will be from the road.
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