Friday, July 5, 2013

First day

Couldn't have asked for a better start to the trip.  We woke up early.  I' m always up with the sun, today jim was too.  We were on bikes and leaving the camp ground by 6:30.  We rode to the rock jetty at the very tip and took obligatory photos.  It was windy, overcast, and cool.
We were on the road by seven.  By 8:30 we were sitting down to smoked salmon, cream cheese, and caper omelette, potatoes, a biscuit, and, of course, a chai.  Jim had the vegetable scrambled eggs.  At the astoria coffeehouse on 11th.  (Just an aside, i have not been in a starbucks since i left knoxville. Truth.)  The bridge over the columbia turned out to be no big deal.  we got there early enough that traffic was very light.  we climbed to the top, nice and easy.  I was  proud of jim, he kept his eyes down on the road in front and didn't let his dizziness get to him.  only when we started down the end ramp and turned into the wind did it get a little touchy.
after that good breakfast, it was out and down US 30.  although this is the official bike route.... not a good road.  two lanes with narrow shoulder.  we did get to do several roller coaster ups and downs, climbing several hundred feet.  we topped out at 626 elev.   so that was a confidence booster for the mountains up ahead.  we stopped at the overlook and i did something that is a personal goal:  take the time to do quick sketches.  so i'm proud of myself, i did it, good boy.  someone give me a biscuit. 
from there down to the ferry and back across the columbia to the washington side.  basically, good consistant riding.  jim was very steady, as always,.  he lead, i followed.
we 've stopped at 60 miles for the day, about ten miles short of longview, WA.  we found a  beautiful abandonded development that is now just a terraced pasture on a gentle slope, nicely concealed from the road.  Full of daisies and grass.  it overlooks the columbia and is just gorgeous.  It's early, the sky has finally cleared.  it's been a great first day.

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