Friday, July 26, 2013

Warm showers

some cyclists i met a ways back told me about a couch surfing web site specifically for cyclists.
i used it the other day for the first time.  sent a message to jim conklin in stanley, nd that i'd be coming through and would like to use his place, if it was okay.  i never heard anything back and figured he was out of town.  his posting indicated that it was alright to call without prior notice if in stanley.  so when i got to stanley, around 6 on tuesday, i called him.  he answered, hesitated, then said come on over.  so i did.

jim was great.  got a shower, washed clothes, he cooked dinner.  i bought a bottle of wine.  we talked a bunch, some about cycling and touring, of course.  we also talked about the local area and i learned a bit about what's been going on.  in the morning, he took me over to a local restaurant, the northern lights.  we sat at the morning group table, met a couple of other locals.  learned more.  i tried to buy his breakfast, but he refused.

the experience was good, so i decided to try it again when i reach grand forks.  i sent a couple of messages out.  (jim said that he never got mine the day before).  i heard back from one person.  she has another cyclist already scheduled to spend the night, but said she could accommodate me if i didn't mind not sleeping in a bed.  she also works the night shift and won't be around in the evening.  all i want is a shower, get cleaned up, and go out and get some dinner.  so this works for me.  we'll see how this second experience goes.

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